No-diet Weight loss
The principle of Energetic Medicines in general and Acupuncture in particular is to assist the body, through the treatment, in re-establishing its innate harmony and balance.
Whenever a disease occurs, whatever the disease, it is caused by an imbalance in the body. That is the “background”.
When you put on weight, it is no accident but the consequence of this imbalance.
Let's take an example. Imagine you weight 80kg (12st.8lbs) instead of 60kg (9st.6lbs), it is because the”set point”, a sort of thermostat in your brain, regulates weight near this fixed point. Excess weight is well here, but for your body, all is well ! The relatively steady set point operates in spite of
possible attempts you can make to try to modify your weight deliberately.
It is exactly like in a room where the thermostat, priorly set at 20°C (68°F) is turned up to 22°C (71,6°F), 25°C (77°F), 30°C (86°F). It is soon too hot in the room, yet for the boiler, no wrong to right since it is set at 30°C !
What do you do when you become aware that you are overweighted ? You go on a diet.
If we compare with the overheated room, dieting is like opening the window ! How widely you open the window refers to how strict your diet is !
The temperature (the weight) will eventually drops. But as soon as you stop dieting, that is to say as soon as you close the window again, the set point will tend to have your weight back to its original value. (The room temperature rises to its fixed 30°C) And, as in the meantime, the boiler has gone to high fire, the pounds come back even quicker than before.
Such is the powerful control mechanism we desperately try to fight when faced with excess of weight.
Acupuncture aims at setting the thermostat back to 20°C, that is to say adjusting the set point in the brain to the goal weight !
And no need to open the window when the boiler starts !
In other words, no dieting at all !
Acupuncture regulates appetite, makes you feel replete more quickly, and makes you stop eating without being truly hungry.
You will become more reasonable about food intake.
2 acupuncture sessions are given in the first week of treatment, then one session a week until goal weight is reached.
The loss is of 1kg per week on average; with no diets ever !
No diets, no worries to keep to the same weight after the cure !