Anti-ageing treatment
“I wish I had given my body the importance it deserved.” André Malraux.
What is ageing?
It is the impairment of our cells. Our bodies wear out with age. This “wear & tear” is caused by the
constant aggression of toxic by-products created by normal cellular functioning: the free radicals.
Free radicals are incomplete molecules that hunt for their complementary parts by tearing off bits of
our cells: cell membrane, cell nucleus, or DNA !
Our cells, thus damaged, must be repaired, or else they will not be able to work properly. That is
what we call “oxygenative stress” !
When does ageing start?
To be truthful, we start ageing the moment we are born. Indeed, free radicals are produced during
the cells natural process of respiration.
Ageing does not make itself conspicuous until after the stages of child and teenager's expansion of
our growth process. And it is after 40 that it requires serious attention and action.
The object of life is the perpetuation and propagation of the species.
That attained, Nature seems to lose interest in the living, and ageing finds its outcome !
A consequence is that the energy invested in the body to keep it functional and effective is only
temporarily granted to support the reproductive period.
Hence the link between ageing and age-related reproductive capacity.
Animals which reproduce early have a shorter life span than those which reproduce later in life.
In some species, the male dies shortly after reproduction. After spawning, the salmon die. There is
also a die off of male marsupial mice at the end of the mating season. Not forgetting female praying
mantis eating male after mating !
How does the body fight ageing?
Fortunately, the body has anti-free radical systems !
Otherwise, we would die within a few hours after birth !
These systems consume trace elements (Selenium, Manganese, Copper, ...etc.) and vitamins (Vit. A
C E ...etc.) as well as other nutrients that the human body cannot synthesize, such as Omega 3. It is
one of the reasons why the food you eat should be varied and healthy, so as to give the body the
array of oligoelements, vitamins, and nutrients it needs to defend itself against free radicals.
For example, it is recommended to eat one serving of fruit and vegetables a day to get the 60mg of
Vit C the body needs daily for its proper functioning.
By contrast, no matter how nutritious and wholesome our diets are, we do not get enough Selenium
or Vit E !
Selenium helps prevents cancerization. Studies have shown Selenium reduces the risks of liver
cancer. It reduces cancer mortality by 50%, Prostate cancer death rate by as much as 70%, and
Colon cancer death rate by 65%.
The Suvimax study (Antioxidant Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation) which followed a cohort of
13 000 people, found that antioxidant intakes in dietary dose help preventing cancer from
developing in 1 man out of 3; which would represent 15 000 cases of cancer every year in men from
45 to 65 years old.
We also have Melatonin, which eases the daily wear & tear that our bodies sustain. Its anti-freeradical
action is much more important than any other defence systems ! Melatonin is produced in
the brain by the Pineal gland and only at night !
Here is an experiment that proves its positive anti-ageing action :the Pineal gland of a young rat was
surgically removed and replaced by an old rat's gland. The rat started ageing quickly and its life
span seriously shortened. On the contrary, transplantation of a young Pineal gland into an old rat
positively affected its physiological functions and postponed ageing conspicuously. The rat became
more active again and its life span increased !
Every night, when we go to sleep, our Melatonin levels rise: Melatonin goes through our body and
cleans our cells up to counter wear & tear. It also helps us have natural repairing and of good quality
sleep. It scavenges out free radicals to reduce the risks that cells become carcinogenic. A decrease
in Melatonin levels could lead to an increased risk of developing some cancers.
Alas, these two antioxidant-antiradical systems diminish their level of activity with age, in
particular after 40.
Our cell membranes are made up of lipids, mostly of Mega-3 fatty acids. Our food intake does not
usually bring enough Omega-3s to make our cells resistant enough to wear and tear. Omega-3s are
found in cold water fish with darker flesh (salmon, kipper), in colza oil too. A food supplementation
in Omega-3s shows positive effects on the mood, on cardiovascular and osteoarticular systems, on
skin conditions and elasticity...etc.
Can the body repair age-related damage?
Yes, it can... up to some extent !
It is one of the many roles of our Hormonal system; but after 40, our body repair system slows
down, and so declines the release of DHEA, Melatonin, Pregnenolone, Testosterone, Oestrogen,
Progesterone, Thyroid Hormones, Co enzyme Q10, etc.
A low rate of DHEA increases the risks of developing cancer. Taking DHEA to replace depleted
hormones diminishes the risks of developing breast or prostate cancers, slows down the ageing of
your skin, increases your bone calcium mass, reduces the risks of developing diabetes and insulinresistance,
decreases abdominal fat, pulmonary artery hypertension, and increases your feeling of
Moreover, mortality in smokers with high levels of DHEA is 7 times as low as in smokers with
lower levels of DHEA (cf. Pr. Beaulieu's studies + various International studies.)
It has also been proved that Pregnenolone, which declines in production with advancing age, helps
fighting memory deficits and mental illness that can lead to Alzheimer's syndromes and other forms
of senility.
How to fight ageing?
A fundamental precept is that you should beware of not speeding it up !
Primum, non nocere: “first, do no harm”, our elders said !
Various factors leading to accelerated ageing such as smoking, sun, toxics, obesity, diabetes,
hypercholesterolemia, bad food habits are aggressive abuse on ourselves !
Our diets, even if well-balanced, must be supplemented with Selenium, Vit. E, and Omega-3 if need
be. When tests reveal low levels in anti-ageing agents (DHEA, Pregnenolone, Melatonin) , we must
take some to make up for the shortage and hinder some of the effects of ageing !
When to start treating ageing?
As early as 20, or as soon as you realize you are ageing, it becomes necessary to supplement your
food with Selenium, and Vit E. Indeed, we can only slow the wear and tear ! Life is like free fall
parachute jump. We do not know how high above the ground we are. The sooner we open our
parachutes, the softer and longer the journey will be !
After 40, it is necessary to test our levels of DHEAs and keep them as high as possible. Taking
Melatonin, Co-enzym Q10, Pregnenolone, and other supplements that blood tests have revealed
deficient is essential for the proper function and appearance of the body !
Curcumin, contained in turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant which has been shown to help prevent
Alzheimer's disease and treat rheumatic conditions.
Is the anti-ageing treatment expensive ?
It all depends on the doses you need.
For example, it will cost 1€ per day for 2 capsules dosed at 25mg of Pregnenolone + 25mg of
From 4 to 5 €/month for Selenium or Vit E supplements.
8€/month for Omega-3s.
And regarding Curcumin for Alzheimer's prevention, only 2€/month !
Let's not forget that our life story has no second edition ! Mistakes, however regrettable, cannot be
corrected a posteriori !
Vidéo 85 ans en 40 secondes :